Guildhall School Library

Student working in Guildhall School Library

Library and Learning Resources

The Library has one of the most extensive specialised collections of music and drama print and electronic resources in Europe, and is integral to the Guildhall School’s status as a centre of excellence in music and drama teaching, learning and research.

It aims to provide students with a comfortable, supportive and welcoming study environment. Its staff all have a specialist knowledge of, and an interest in, music or drama and will always do their best to help you. Student levels of satisfaction with the collections and enquiry services are always very high.

In addition to our Library collections and services, the Library and Learning Resources team is also responsible for the School’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) platform, Moodle, and our Learning Technologists are constantly developing new ways to support the whole School’s teaching and learning experience

Access the School Library Catalogue online

The Library Catalogue is now available via this website and via MyGuildhall, allowing users to check stock holdings when the Library is not open.

For further information, please contact:

Library & Learning Resources Services

The services offered by Library & Learning Resources (LLR) include:

Hand writing notes on sheet music

Library FAQs

Reference Services