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Adi Currie (Theatre Technology)
Key details:
- Department:
- Production Arts
- Year of Graduation:
- 2021-22

What's been your highlight during your time at Guildhall?
I designed and engineered sound elements for the show Jackal Run, devised with the acting students and the company Breach Theatre. This was my first ever sound role and I learned an incredible amount about devising processes and sound equipment, for both live theatre and film. It was also an extremely topical show with a very important message, and it was overall a brilliant experience to be part of something like that.
What's been your highlight in the industry?
I worked as a freelance programmer for the VAULT Festival. I met so many different people and saw so many different styles of performance. It tested my technical skills and taught me a lot, and was a hugely fun and enjoyable role to have.
What's something you've learned that you feel will help you when you graduate?
That the most important part of ensuring a show goes well, above anything else, is that everyone is looking out for each other, and that a calm and helpful approach will always be the best way forward.
What are you most interested in working in after you graduate?
All kinds of theatre, from big West End productions to smaller festival-style events.
Production Images

Lighting Designer, Julius Caesar - Guildhall 2021 (Helen Murray Photography)

RODENT & Alicia Jane Turner, JENNY, SPILL Festival of Performance 2021, (Guido Mencari Photography @guidomencari)

Production Electrician, Anna Karenina - Guildhall 2021 (David Monteith-Hodge Photography)

Jackal Run