Designing for Diversity in Production Arts

The Production Arts department at Guildhall School has initiated a new series of 'Designing for Diversity' masterclasses for students.

Prema Mehta presenting on Zoom

The first three sessions explore aspects of design for theatre productions in relation to diverse and representative casting.

Lighting Designer and alumna Prema Mehta recently delivered the hugely successful first masterclass on LX Design; artist / set-designer Moi Tran delivered an equally fascinating discussion on set design; and Guildhall’s own Vanessa Lingham will be discussing costume design in the new year.

Although specifically aimed at current second-year students across both the BA (Hons) Production Arts and BA (Hons) Video Design for Live Performances programmes, students across the whole department are invited to attend.

The intent is to cement this training into the curriculum on an annual basis to ensure Production Arts students are learning in line with best industry practice, and that they can lead the way in ensuring a future for the industry that is truly inclusive, diverse and equitable.

We also caught up with Prema Mehta to discuss her career, her memorable moments from her time at Guildhall, and share advice for young Production Arts graduates and students.

Watch the Q&A