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Become a member or Patron
Empower our students to light up stages and concert halls around the world.

Darcie Jago
At Guildhall School, our membership programmes offer you the chance to be part of something extraordinary.
The Patrons Programme offers an unparalleled opportunity to engage directly with the next generation of artists. With three tiers of patronage, you gain access to exclusive events and insights into the students’ training, at the same time as directly supporting their world-class training.
Patron Levels of Support
Patrons enjoy:
- Annual invitation to a performance and drinks reception with our Principal for you and a guest
- Invitation to the Supporters’ Christmas Party for you and a guest
- Invitation to the annual Celebration of Thanks for you and a guest
- Priority booking for special events and film screenings
- Priority booking for all ticketed Guildhall School events
- Our annual PLAY Magazine
- Our annual With Our Thanks publication
Enjoy the same opportunities as Patrons, as well as:
- Invitation to our exclusive backstage events and Q&As with Guildhall alumni for you and a guest
- Invitation to our annual Production Arts Showcase for you and a guest.
Enjoy the same opportunities as Patrons and Patrons Plus, as well as:
- Invitations to unique behind the scenes tours and model box showings for you and a group of up to ten guests
- Invitation to the Gold Medal final for you and a guest
Join Today
There are different options for sending your Guildhall Patrons donation to us. Please see below, and do get in touch if you have any questions.
Set up a monthly or annual Direct Debit online. Set the frequency of your gift to monthly or yearly, select 'Custom' and input your chosen amount.
Call us on 020 4582 2415 if you have any questions or to request a postal form.
If you would like to make your donation by credit or debit card, you can do so here, or you can call us on 020 4582 2415.
If you would like to make your donation by bank transfer, please use the reference ‘Patrons’ and send your donation to:
The Guildhall School Trust
Account number: 10176265
Sort code: 20-77-75
Please make all cheques and charity vouchers payable to The Guildhall School Trust and post them to:
Development & Alumni Relations Office
Guildhall School of Music & Drama
Barbican, Silk Street, London EC2Y 8DT
If you are a UK taxpayer and would like to ‘Gift Aid’ your donation, the Guildhall School Trust will be able to reclaim the tax on your donation and receive another 25p from every £1 you donate. Please indicate if you wish to Gift Aid your Patrons donation and we will send you a confirmation letter. You can also complete an online Gift Aid declaration form or download a postal form from the box below.
For donors based in North America, we can accept donations through the British Schools and Universities Foundation (BSUF), CAF America and CAF Canada.
Patrons Plus
Ray Barker
Michael and Rosamund Herington
Miriam Kramer and HH Stephen Kramer KC
Michael Maunsell and Harriet Maunsell OBE
Martin Moore
Peter and Maggie Murray-Smith
Philip Noel
Andrew and Cindy Peck
Claire Tremeer and Dr Bob Reichert
Dr Amer Al-Baho
Abdul Bhanji OBE
Ken and Diana Dent
Dr Madeleine Gantley
Alderman Alison Gowman CBE
Diana Gray
Deborah Lincoln
Vivienne Littlechild MBE JP
Brian Mace
Miranda McArthur
Graham Packham CC
Jeremy Simons OBE
Colin Smith
Helena Twist
Christopher Warren
Alderman Sir David Wootton HonFGS and Lady Wootton
Circle Levels of Support
By becoming a Circle member, you can make a difference to our students and enjoy range of benefits including:
- Priority booking for all ticketed concerts, plays and operas
- Event invitations
- Guildhall School's annual magazine, PLAY
- Monthly Event Highlights emails
- Termly Supporters' E-Newsletter
- Event booking support from the Development team
- Acknowledgement on our website
Join Today
There are different options for sending your Circle membership donation to us. Please see below, and do get in touch if you have any questions.
Set up a monthly or annual Direct Debit online. Set the frequency of your gift to monthly or yearly, select 'Custom' and input your chosen amount.
Call us on 020 4582 2415 if you have any questions or to request a postal form.
If you would like to make your donation by credit or debit card, you can do so here, or you can call us on 020 4582 2415.
If you would like to make your donation by bank transfer, please use the reference ‘Patrons’ and send your donation to:
The Guildhall School Trust
Account number: 10176265
Sort code: 20-77-75
If you are a UK taxpayer and would like to ‘Gift Aid’ your donation, the Guildhall School Trust will be able to reclaim the tax on your donation and receive another 25p from every £1 you donate. Please indicate if you wish to Gift Aid your Patrons donation and we will send you a confirmation letter. You can also complete an online Gift Aid declaration form or download a postal form from the box below.
Richard Agutter
Brian Albert
James Alexander FGS
Dr David Alpers
Olive Baldwin
Dr Duncan Barker
Dr Biddy Baxter MBE
Maurice Beales
Peter Bedford
Jane Bickerton
Professor Bryan Birch
John Bird
Lady Candy Blackham
The Reverend Christopher Breeds
John Britton
Adam Broke
David Browne
Andrew Buckingham
Sir Andrew Burns KCMG
The Rt Hon Sir Stanley Burnton
Maureen Byllam-Barnes
Jacqueline Ceglowski
Lord Tom Cochrane of Cults
Kenneth Cohen
Christine Cohen OBE
Judith Coke
Trevor Coldrey
Anthony Constance HonFGS
Paul Cosh FGS
Elizabeth Crowther
Sylvia Daintrey
Ian Dawson
Desmond Day
Teresa de Souza
George Derbyshire FGS
Catherine Dobson
Dr Hilary Dodd
Ann Dyer
Michael Earrey
Margaret Edwards
John Ellard
Travers Ellison
David Elyan Hon ARAM Hon RWS
The Reverend David Evans
Bronwen Fair
Marianne Falk
John Fisher
Anthony Floyd
Patricia Frankland
Laura Fraser
William Fraser OBE
Francis Giacon
Michael Godbee
Richard Gold
Carolyn Graham
Felicity Guinness
Sally Hadley
Irene and Ray Hall
Peter Halliday FCA and Pauline Halliday OBE
Julian Halsby
Nina Hamilton
Chris Hamnett
Gina Hartnett
Edward Hartill OBE
The Reverend Richard Hayes and Joleen Hayes
Carolyn Hayman OBE
George Henshilwood
Malcolm Higgins FGS
Marilyn Hill Smith
Dr Alan Hoaksey
Peter Hobbs
Gwen Holt
Professor Sir Barry Ife CBE
John James
Frank Jeffs
Dr David Jessop
Robert John
Brian Jones
Malcolm Judelson
Sarah Kelsey
Caroline Kinninmonth
Ulla Kite
Torsten Kuchenbecker
Ronald Levin
Dr Boyi Li
Pamela Lidiard FGS
Alexandra Loewe
Donald Love
Penelope MacKay
Neil Mackie CBE
Peter le Marchand and Irene Taul
Christine McCartney
Bruce McGregor
Wendy Mead OBE CC
Colin Menzies
Tim Moorey
Richard Morris
David Morris
Remony Moser
David Moss
Cathy Newcombe
Joanna Newell
Donald Newell
The Reverend Patrick O'Ferrall OBE
Jane Ollerton
Ken Ollerton
Anita Osler
Antony Osler
Dr Nicholas Pile and Jane Mary Pile
Christine Pountney
Davina Prince FGS
Anthony Purkiss
Derek Rodgers FGS
Alan Sainer
James Serjent
Naveed Shah
Jane Smith
Teresa de Souza
Duncan Sparkes
John Spencer
John Spicer
Gillian Steggles
Christopher Stephens
Marilyn Stock
Naomi Stone
Robert Stripe
Roy Sully
Ross Tanton
Julie Thomas
Susan Thornton FGS
Helen Thorpe
William Tilden
John Tomlinson
Elizabeth Towers
Andrew Tucker
Beatrice Unsworth
Jason Van Praagh
David Walker
Susan Webb
Gillian White
Sheila Whitehead
Ivan Whitting
David Winter
John Wise
Irene Yamato
Victoria Younghusband